We are seeking to change the way society works by bringing together those on the leading edge of individual, social, and systems evolution movements.
A global group of people come together regularly to contribute their vision of the society they want to see by 2045. Each individual's unique experience, efforts, and networks helps create a positive holistic vision to guide us through the opportunities ahead.
We envision a new foundation for our society. New ways of seeing and working with the legal system. A system that supports and frees individuals to make their unique impact.
The work of capital and finance drives much of our social behavior. We envision a change in the incentives that produce so much of the waste and undue hardship in the world.
We seek to change not only how we work, but how we see work. Envisioning change in organizations from the outside-in and in people from the inside-out.
We can't let this opportunity pass us by. The time for change is now. We must come together to form a new vision and make it happen.
Season 2 E5 - Doug Breitbart
Friday Talk series is held most Fridays via Zoom from 10:00 am - 11:00 am (California)
Each week we invite a special guest to share their vision for 2045 and how the work they are doing will contribute to that vision.
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